Video #1 | Duration: 2:52 | 11.31 MB | Quicktime |
Sorry, no time to post my podcast. Here’s my first vidcast. Meet “Chai”, our little boy. | is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.
Hey John….great first vidcast. What a cute kitty! Your phone takes amazing video. Looking forward to the next one!
Hi John,
Don’t worry about the delay you have bigger things to worry about :). Chai is very cute, I’m sorry he’s sick. I am glad he’s on the mend.
We had a similar problem with our baby, Willow when we brought her home. She was very sick at first, but she’s great now.
Keep up the good work.
P.S., you have a great smile! Now I know why you say “Don’t forget to smile”
Thanks. Yup, Chai is a cutie. And regarding the phone. If I sorta warned you that it’s from my phone, it’s a bit more acceptable.
Thanks for your comment. 🙂
I was told that I was smiling even before we went home from the maternity hospital. Thanks for the compliment.