Ongline #107 Happy Loving

by | Dec 22, 2005 | Podcast | 10 comments

Voice Comment: (206) 888-JOHN

Ongline Podcast

Show #107 | Duration: 32:55 | 30.3 MB | Stereo |

This is my Holiday podcast to all of you. There will be another show on Monday, December 26, 2005 about Kwanzaa with a listener of mine, Maurice. Please come back for that show. Until then, please have a loving holiday.

This Christmas, I am sharing my personal views on religion, spirituality, Catholicism, being gay, love, hate, and humanity.

Of course, not all serious stuff, followed by my thoughts are a very nice message from a long time listener of mine from Australia (Thank you from me personally, YueXian) and…

This is so fun and hilarious that I hope the serious discussion is not a downer, but something you can seriously reflect upon while you enjoy this holiday with your loved ones…BUT what is the BIG NEWS?
Here comes… the world premiere of the Malaysian Bloggers and Podcasters’ rendition of “White Christmas”, Malaysian style. Thanks to LinPeh from Tok3Tok4 for initiating this project. Also great thanks to JKN from the The KL Podcast for informing me about it through his show.

Below is the list of participating bloggers and podcasters:






Mikel Lian



Jkn of KL



Lin Peh

KC Yap

Cha Bor



  1. Wingz

    u got very very nice voice, kudos!

  2. PinPin

    You sing very well.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. John Ong

    Wingz & PinPin,

    Thanks for your compliments.
    I am guessing you found my site through LimPeh’s blog?
    Thanks for stopping by.
    And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. gem

    merry christmas john!

  5. John Ong

    Merry Christmas to you too Gem.
    And happy 2006.

  6. Yvy

    *fanning self & hyperventilating at the same time*

    You….sing very….well. Please….SING some more!!!! *pengsan*

  7. jimmy

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you John!

  8. John Ong

    Yvy: Thanks for visiting my site, and for the nice compliment. 🙂

    Jimmy: Thank you for the nice wishes. I wish you the same thing, and a wonder Chinese New Year coming up in January. I’m going to definitely do something special for Chinese New Year.

  9. jimmy

    Haha…………It’s very nice to expect your show about Chinese New Year.Hoping the NEW YEAR coming sooner! I’m so excited .

  10. penangrojak

    Re participating blogger KC Yap. (
    The real person behind the posting of daily entries in is Malaysian Justin Yap. Justin’s own website is but he committed a wordpress contest scam earlier this year and he is now hiding behind the website. His website is now redirected to If you type “kcyap +scam” in Google search box, you can view pages relating to the scam committed by kcyap.

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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