Ongline #109 Immigration Law Getting Worse for Us

by | Dec 29, 2005 | Podcast | 7 comments

Voice Comment: (206) 888-JOHN

Ongline Podcast

Show #109 | Duration: 31:44 | 29.2 MB | Stereo |

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I may add more notes later. Busy as hell!



  1. Felicia

    Hey John!

    Have fun in North Carohrina! (You made me laugh out loud…)

    You mentioned having a show where your parents will tell how they met…

    Do you have a podcast that tells how you and Bruce met? Valentine’s show idea?!

    Happy New Year!


  2. John Ong


    Thank you! I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun in North Carohrina!

    I’ll talk to Bruce and see if he’s up for that. I’m totally cool with that. But this is MY show. If he doesn’t mind sharing it, yes, it will be a great show for Valentine’s day. I did have him on in February for a Valentine’s day episode. You would have to go back to the archive of the show from the website to download the show.

    Thanks again for your continuous support for the show. 🙂

  3. Brad

    Thank you so much for raising awareness about immigration again. I love the heart that you have for the issue.
    I have to admit that I just learned that a visa only gets you the right to go to the port of the US. One can still be denied at the entrance on the discretion of the officer. So many tragic scenes go through my head of the possiblities of what could happen as I try to pass through the gates with “him”. Horrible.
    Thank you once again.

  4. Lin Peh


    Happy new year and Gong Xi Fa chai ! 😉

  5. simmie

    Happy New Year, John and Bruce!

    ps. lin peh, you trying to spam isit? LOL

  6. John Ong

    LinPeh & Simmie,

    Thank you. Happy New Year to all of you too. 🙂

  7. scooter

    Hey John — Can you suggest a solution to the problem the US faces concerning keeping the
    problem immigrants OUT, while allowing the good ones access to our country?
    I think that no one would argue that YOU personally are an assett to our country. You have talent, you earn a substantial income (and pay taxes on it to our country).
    I think many more Americans would feel alot more comfortable if there were some criteria for knowing which immigrant will make the American pie bigger and the immigrant who will desire a larger slice of the existing American pie.
    Maybe you have a different way of looking at the value of a person’s contribution to this country’s bottom line.
    I love your show. You are an asset.

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