Video #12 | Duration: 1:32 | 9.2 MB | Quicktime (iPod Ready) |
I about crap my pants when I saw this camera shop named “Crick”. It’s so perfect for me. So, here’s my proof. If you can’t get the video, and still want to check out the “Crick” pictures. Please go to this album to check out the pictures. |
john ong
podcast shirt
camera shop
video podcast
I’m french (part one)
Part two : i don’t understand the stuff with “Crick”… anyway I Loooooooooove the creepy show. And I wish you a Goooood happy new cheneeeeese year !!
I drop a lot !
well If you want get scared, follow me !
Kisse you
Baptiste (Cetusss is my art’s name)
Hi Cetusss,
Thanks for the comment. It’s nice to hear from France.
And thanks for the Chinese New Year greetings.
Let me explain “Crick”.
It’s funny for me because, I have been friendly-teased several times for misusing the English language, sometimes called “Engrish”. Some Chinese have problem pronouncing “R”. The sound may come out like an “L”. And the camera store is named “Crick” which is funny because “Click” is what we associate with camera. And the store is named “Crick”. It would sound like I can’t pronounce the L in Click.
I’m going to try to talk about this on my show coming up next week. 🙂
Thanks for listening.
Hi John !
THXXXXXXXX a lot for your answer. That’s effectivly very cool ! I can wait your next podcast. I don’t know what is yur degree of relation with Wanda or Madge, I listen their show too. It’s just great you give me something else. THX. I’ve many questions for you, I don’t know how to start : welll
1) Did you do you music intro yourself, with ur own voice ?
2) Did you really eat dogs ? cats ?
3) I’m “Cetusss” on skype, and you ?
4) I’d love playing a sound game with you, but what ? Have you an idea ? Do you want to play ?
5) What’s your job if you have one ?
6) i’ve a boyfriend, and you ?
7) I’m french but living in Geneva, so a little alien as you are !
I stop for today…
WELL :Many kisssses. Luky peeloo, luky peelookitahaaaaa !
I mean, you do give me something other… How can I speak and be understood ? Grrrrrr
Oh, you are so wonderful!
This is exactly what a podcast should be. Ok, such good questions.
I will answer your questions on Monday’s show. Is that ok?
I’d love for you to be on the show as well. I will be in touch with you of when I will record the show.
I’ll add you to my skype.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
Hi John!
I giggled so much listening to you try to take a picture of the Crick camera place. I can’t see your video though and I’ve tried two browsers. Will you post a pic/still in your photo album for us to see? =c) I really want to see!
Take care!
I’m sorry you can’t view the video.
I have some pictures of the “Crick Camera Shop”.
I posted them, and they can be found through this link. Or visit the original post “Ongline Video #12”, there’s now a link to the album.
Hi John,
We stumbeled upon your blog about our shop the other day and just wanted to say Hi and thanks for the laugh!
Crick Camera