Food on the street
Originally uploaded by John Ong.
I had to send my car to the shop today and took a bus to work. After taking the wrong bus, I ended up walking the rest of the way to work. And I found this big pile of yellow rice with a pair of rubber gloves.
It’s worth a photo and a blog entry.
congrats ! u ve just lost few pounds through the walking session.
Hi Jon,
Have listened to a couple of your podcasts recently and wanted to comment and let you know how much I enjoyed them. One was where you were riding in your vehicle and responding to Nick Thomas. Your comments sent me over to his site to subscribe to his podcasts.
In a previous podcast, one or two before the one I just mentioned, you were taking on the religious right and some of their hypocritical beliefs. I agreed with you and wished I had gotten back to you sooner so I could have responded directly to what you said. I think you were spot on, but it was the semantics that flustered me. Thanks again for a great podcast and point of view.
I sent you a picture several months ago with Michael and Will in it, but hadn’t heard back from you. Did you receive it?
You had mentioned earlier this summer that you might be interested in talking with me about my addiction to alcohol and disease. I have completed most of my treatment. Many other things have happened along the way too. I’d be glad to talk with you on your podcast sometime. Let me know when it works for you.
I hope this note finds you, Bruce and the kitties doing well and in good health. Take care.
Best regards,
Rick Simon
yobosensei is back!!! I just came back from KL. It’s so hot there.. 🙂