Voice Comment: (206) 888-JOHN
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Show #30 | Duration: 3:50 | 45.1 MB | Quicktime (iPod, AppleTV, iPhone Ready) |
Finally, the last of the three videos. Maiko and I finally finished making the dessert. Now it’s tasting time. Of course, with a lot of giggles.
What have we learned over the past few weeks?
– ‘Pretty Pink Nipple’ Cream is for brown nipples
– Miracle Whip/Whip Topping/Whip Cream is for fiery nipple angel fruits cake
– Shortbread Cream is used to delight and confuse Maiko
And one more thing, “this strawberry is gooood…”
Finally we get to see what the creation is! Such fun!
Archerr, thanks for sticking around patiently.