UPDATED: Looks like the move is a lot faster than expected. If you are experiencing any website issue, please email me directly to ongline (at) gmail.com
Some of you may have noticed that the website has been having a lot of downtime. I am arranging for a big move to a new server machine this weekend. If it happens, it would mean that there’ll be a longer period of downtime this weekend. If it doesn’t come back by Monday, I hope that it would come back on or before Tuesday. When it comes back, it should be more stable, hopefully. 🙂
Sorry about the hassle.
John Ong
Yes John, do please do something about your server. I donno how many times I’ve tried to get to your site and nothing . . . ! Do you serve up your own pages? I use dot mac and never seem to have a problem with getting to my site. Perhaps you need to look into something more reliable? I love the pix of the snow. So jealous. I guess there is still time here for snow, but as it reached over 70 degrees this afternoon I’m not banking on it.
I think the site should be a lot more stable now. Let me know if it’s not loading, thank you.
finally i can log in your page…Happy new year John