4:00:28 AM: Just woke up. JC, it’s early. Flight at 6:45am.
4:03:11 AM: Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Now help me wake up. #fb
6:03:10 AM: Breakfast at KCI. http://twitpic.com/h6j0r
6:32:31 AM: Wifi on AA. Yay. Free? Maybe. Find out more later. Bye KC. #fb http://twitpic.com/h6kn0
8:03:08 AM: Not free wifi. But still cool. Too short a flight to splurge on wifi. http://twitpic.com/h6r0l
8:09:57 AM: Heading to Terminal 5 in Chicago, IL
8:12:05 AM: Waiting for train to Gate M8 for JAL. http://twitpic.com/h6rrz
8:20:30 AM: Can I change my Loopt levels of location on the iPhone app itself? Can’t get to regular loopt site from iPhone Safari. Tech support anyone?
8:21:04 AM: On train. One stop to Terminal 5.
8:39:10 AM: Now at Terminal 5. Waiting to go thru security. May need food or whatever. 2 hours early. in Chicago, IL
8:45:07 AM: Waiting outside security check point by McD. Need water. Scouting for power outlet. None here. Maybe should go into gate area. #fb
9:21:56 AM: Found power outlet. Pefect. http://twitpic.com/h6y4d
9:22:56 AM: Testing Live video from Ohare http://qik.com/johnong
9:23:33 AM: Live with #qik http://qik.ly/ftb4
9:25:06 AM: Live with #qik http://qik.ly/ftcb
9:51:07 AM: Live with #qik http://qik.ly/ftk2
9:56:16 AM: Passenger next to me is bleeding in the nose. Paramedics are here. Little drama.
10:01:16 AM: Hate me with my tweets yet? I’m sure it’ll die down. just bored now. Go to http://onglinepodcast.com for 1 post with all past tweets. #fb
10:18:13 AM: Damn. I’m hungry. But don’t want to get up and lose my prime power outlet. Did you know I have 13 hours of flying ahead of me? Oy. #fb
10:55:11 AM: Boarding now. Shutting phone down. Can’t get SMS now. Email. Or SMS my Google number. See you in 13 hours. Hope I’ll have web in Tokyo #fb
2:29:17 AM: I’m in Japan now. Safe and sound. Comfy little room for my overnight layover. Gotta find food.
2:50:03 AM: I’m at Hotel Nikko Narita now. I’m hungry. Gotta find things to eat.
Bon Voyage John.
Hope you have a great time on your journey.
Have fun and enjoy.