Voice Comment: (206) 888-JOHN
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Show #15 | Duration: 1:28 | 8.8 MB | Quicktime (iPod Ready) |
It's been a long while since I posted my last Ongline Video. This is crazy, and check out the ugly side of John Ong. It's hard to be gorgeous all the time! LOL.
Oh My ! u look good with plaid shirt , like Archerr, boy u r so cute & funny ! totally love it 🙂
You’re just mad, mad, mad and insane. I love it.
Vincent. Thanks.
Steve, I told you, even if you know that I’m posting a video podcast, you will still be surprised by my insanity.
That was soo funny, you Gorgeous Goddess you 🙂
Hey Miku John!!! That was really funny!!!! I have to agree w Vincent that u really looked good….put that plaid shirt aside….u have slimed down!!!
Thanks to Reto’s “pain in the ass” e-mail, hahaha!!!!
You are Hilair-ious baby!
😀 I’m a bit nuts. Perhaps a lot.
Omg!!!! I really laugh my ass off my chair =))
Hey john, You Look great n really really really Cute like Miku….
More!!!! More videosssssss …
Take care.