Ongline #94 Tigger, Simon, & Gay Podcasting

Ongline Podcast

Show #94 | Duration: 33:23 | 15.5 MB | Mono |

Getting to know Tigger.

Simon’s own blog.

How did you find out about Podcasting?

What was the last podcast you listened to?


People want my hubby on!

Please stay subscribed, all about being gay and coming out on Thursday.


Ongline #94 Tigger, Simon, & Gay Podcasting

Ongline Podcast

Show #94 | Duration: 33:23 | 15.5 MB | Mono |

Getting to know Tigger.

Simon’s own blog.

How did you find out about Podcasting?

What was the last podcast you listened to?


People want my hubby on!

Please stay subscribed, all about being gay and coming out on Thursday.


Ongline #93 Call-in Show: I’m The Only One

Ongline Podcast

Show #93 | Duration: 30:30 | 14.2 MB | Mono |

is now public. Go shop!
Suscribe to to be the first to know about our launch date:
or use to subscribe with any other podcatcher applications.

Tigger’s late.

How to Gizmo to my recordings. Add me to your list. My name is “onglinepodcast” (without the quotes, I hate it when people say this, but just to be sure, okay, without the quotes)

To join me in a “Call-in Ongline Podcast”, you can use Gizmo, or call:
Dial-in Number: (641) 985-0005

Access code: 128103#
Using Gizmo and dial to “fcc” or “freeconferencecall” then enter the same sccess code above.
My next recording is November 3, 2005. Thursday evening at 8PM Central Standard Time.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #92 is Coming

Ongline Podcast

Show #92 | Duration: 31:14 | 14.5 MB | Mono |

The secret is out! is launching in a few days.

Suscribe to to be the first to know about our launch date:
or use to subscribe with any other podcatcher applications.

Tigger’s scary encounter.

Get Gizmo. And add me to your list. My name is “onglinepodcast” (without the quotes, I hate it when people say this, but just to be sure, okay, without the quotes)

To join me in a “Call-in Ongline Podcast”, you can use Gizmo, or call:
Dial-in Number: (641) 985-0005

Access code: 128103#
Using Gizmo and dial to “fcc” or “freeconferencecall” then enter the same sccess code above.
My next recording is November 3, 2005. Thursday evening at 8PM Central Standard Time.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.



Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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