- Waking up. Recording #pghk today. So hard to get up on a cold Saturday morning. #fb #
- #PGHK recording going on now! (Broadcasting live at http://ustre.am/2cE) #
My Tweets for 2009-12-11
- Festive gourmet treats from Baby Wok http://babywok.com #holidays http://gdzl.la/7n6oFu #
- @pinoyboy Happy Birthday! in reply to pinoyboy #
- @dharmaworks Music and singing always pull out everything from me. Emotions of all depths. Glee is music in my life made into a show. #fb in reply to dharmaworks #
- @pinoyboy Isn't the 30's sexy?! Even tho you just stepped in. in reply to pinoyboy #
- @pinoyboy That's super awesome bitchy #dingdabell sexy! Oui oui! in reply to pinoyboy #
- Heading out for Indian food! Yay. ?Æ‚Äù‚Äî #
- I'm broadcasting, from my iPhone, live on Ustream – http://ustre.am/2cC #
- Chinese from Penang who do not speak Hokkien, well, you better learn! http://bit.ly/5VOyFW #fb #
- @DNye I may need your help teaching me how to compress or mix speech and music so that it's at it's loudest without distortion. in reply to DNye #
- FREE iTunes Holiday Sampler – http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/itunes-holiday-sampler/id344104720 #iTunes #
- Phase two of Christmas tree decorations. No pictures yet. The theme this year is RED. With a touch of cream and silver. #fb #
- A few final touches are required. But mostly done. http://gdzl.la/7ndJAj #
My Tweets for 2009-12-10
- #PGHK recording this Saturday. Register now: http://penanghokkien.com/?p=1019 #fb #
- @if_only agree 110%! Glee made me miss #sing2009 #fb in reply to if_only #
- Very cold outside. Only 5?Ǭ?F OMG! #fb #
- @kt_m_smith Please do! in reply to kt_m_smith #
- @kt_m_smith You just made me LOL so loudly that everyone at work asked me what happened. I just said "nothing" while I snorted. in reply to kt_m_smith #
- If you have Dragon Dictation (get while it's still free iTunes App Store). Find helpful tips here http://bit.ly/5f9MIu #fb #
- @thetatum @if_only @kt_m_smith I miss you all! in reply to thetatum #
- @jayarrigo Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. 😉 in reply to jayarrigo #
- @jayarrigo @thetatum @seba_32 @kt_m_smith Am I the gay one or the Asian? Ha. I guess I'll be both. in reply to jayarrigo #
My Tweets for 2009-12-09
- I am posting this via dragon dictation. Whatever whatever on #
- Sweet Bruce packed me these for the car, in case I get trapped in the snow. http://gdzl.la/7mGD3Y #
- My car is fixed. Have to pick it up before 5PM. I will miss my mistress, Sentra, for its newness. But I truly love my Civic. #fb #
- Geez! It's COLD!!! #fb #
- Returning my mistress. #fb #
- I'll be ustreaming live when I go to my car. #
- Hey! I'm live on Ustream from my iPhone – http://ustre.am/2cC #
- @StevyB Thanks for chatting with me earlier. in reply to StevyB #
- Going to a Glee "sectional" party. #fb #
- Enjoying Glee. #fb #
- Totally geeky. We played with Chrimbell. Four parts on our iPhones after Glee. #fb #
Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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