Our girl is one year old today. I stilll remember how small she was when Bruce brought her home from the vet approximately ten months ago. Her head was way bigger for her tiny body. She was curious and very sweet. HYPER!! And at the end of her tail, there’s a little kink, like a lightning bolt. Her favorite place was under the bed.
Today, one year old. Her head and her body are almost flipped. Her head seems small for her body. She’s a long cat, but loves to sit with her front and hind legs together. That makes her body look even bigger. She’s still very curious and very sweet. Much calmer. Her ligtning-bolt tail is now even bigger. You can see it clearly in this picture. She still loves sleeping under the bed. And one of her favorite sleeping positions is the one you see in the picture.
Happy Birthday girly-girl, Tache (her nicknames, “Tah-tah-shah koo-look-koo-look,” “Geh-wei-wei,” “Gurluh-gurl” and more)
Happy Birthday, Tache!
Thanks on behalf of Tache.
She’s extremely sweet today, according to Bruce.