Time flies

by | Oct 8, 2004 | John Ong Living | 2 comments

Just a few weeks ago, I was at home waiting for my parents
to arrive. Now, with only a few weeks left, they will be going back to

This time my parents get to actually see a whole new season
during their visit to the USA. They?ve always been sorta concerned about the
weather. That?s understandable if you spent almost all of your lives in the
tropic. Cold weather is the major concern. They always plan their trip around
summer time. But this time, unplanned, they had to postponed their summer trip
to the fall. And it turned out to be a blessing for all of us, and for my
parents. When it’s cold, they’d stay home under the covers.

Right now, they are very excited about the changing colors
of the leaves, and for a change, a cooler weather.

Due to my new job, I haven?t been able to spend too much
time with my parents as I wish to. But last night I went out with my parents to
the beloved Costco. We spent over an hour
shopping. Mom bought a sweat shirt, some socks, and I bought some bottled water
and a roast chicken (the new mesquite chicken wings are GOOD!).

With just a few weeks more for parents to be here, I wish
they would stay until the end of the year and go back to Malaysia with me.


  1. Jess

    Nice that you’re getting to spend a nice amount of time with them. Even if the new job is interfering, at least their visit isn’t a short one.

    Enjoy every moment!

  2. John Ong

    Yes, I am enjoying every moment. In fact, tonight they’re coming over to make dinner and to carve pumpkin.

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