I am now at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. There’s free wifi. So cool!
Had a very pleasant flight, business class. Uh hmm… well, I got an upgrade from the miles I collected. It was on the top level of a 747. Very nice. And the food was wonderful.
So now. I’m waiting to take the regular old cramped coach class back to Penang. Luckily it is under and hour. I think I stink! Or at least I feel dirty. 😉 Not that dirty.
You may want to check your iTunes or any other podcatcher frequently, I may post more than usual.
Love y’all!
John – I am curious to see if your accent changes while you are there. Can you maybe read a paragraph or so (like from this post) on your next recording, and then read it again when you get back?
Brad, I’m slowly getting used to the fact that I’m surrounded by Asians. Are you envious of me? 🙂
Steve, are you envious of me too?
I saw my first extra hot Asian guy tonight at dinner. He’s probably Malay. HOT.
Oh, I don’t think my accent would change that quickly. But we’ll let the podcasts state the fact.
I don’t think it will but i bet you may come back with a very slight accent. I am sure Bruce will be able to tell.
I am envious. Can you bring someone back for me?
I notice the wifi service at KLIA running smoothly, no problems after more 10 time i Arrive at KLIA, and we got 512K/512K bandwitch speed per user, and free services for two hours, the name for the wifi service is FREE_WIFI @ KLIA
free config
no need to register **compared with other airports**
2 hours per user limit
** I have been using mobile phones/IPAD/lap top to access the internet (Free_WIFI @ KLIA).