Free Speech after registration for Malaysian Bloggers?

by | Apr 11, 2007 | John Ong Living | 6 comments

Lately I read an article about the Malaysian government thinking about possibly having blogs hosted in Malaysia to register with the authorities. Now, this is merely an idea. But do you think this is going to happen? What if it does?

Check out the article from Al Jazeera English.

On a different note, I received another gay-hate-comment from my Penang Hokkien website. The part that is weird is, it was among all the warm birthday wishes from my listeners and friends. Go figure. My listeners are very protective, so “ttt”, be nice. Sometimes I wonder how someone can make such comments? I think he/she/it is more ignorant than anything else. He may be even trying to give me his genuine advice. But then, I guess you wouldn’t call me “Si Poh Hiao”, that’s similar to calling someone a “fucking faggot”.
To see the comment there, click here.

ttt gay comment


  1. Pat

    Hey John, Ingorance gets on my nerves too. I still cant believe he wrote the LAST SENTENCE. I wonder who humiliate who???!!! Anyway lets be nice or else we’ll just be like MR T.
    I read about the bloggers thing in Malaysia article from this other blog too.

    “”Zam is our Minister of Information who controls the airwaves, print media, what shows to be screen and basically, the wet blanket where entertainment is concerned. He said this:

    Zainuddin hoped newspapers would not give credit to blog websites as they could become influential and become widespread.

    Saying that there was no need to ban blog websites, he urged bloggers to be more responsible.”””……………………………………………………..

    Take care

  2. John Ong

    Pat, thanks for your support and input. My computer is back, I’m back online again. I was missing a limb for more than a week!

  3. Keven Loo (Shuahuan)

    Who dont respect gay…
    is those who dont have a “Understanding Heart”
    “poh hiao” is a very rude word to address a gay…
    cantonise said…
    “…if got hair…who wana be a “Lat Lei” (ppl with bore head)”
    please go to buy “Broke Back Mountain” DVD to watch…
    before you want to say something rude!!!

  4. jepun lau ee

    ya,I agree with Shuahuan,
    why won’t that guy think of others feeling before writing such a message!

    Shame on him! How would he feel,if someone does the same thing back to him!

  5. David (AKK)

    Dear John,

    Dun care much with what he said, just be yourself, a truly yourself… Cheers up
    I learn frm u one… hehe 🙂

  6. John Ong

    Thank you all for your support. I am happy and was never sad by what he said, because I have all of you to support me. However, I would not let an education opportunity go. I feel like we need to talk about it when somebody with the wrong information or lack of information out there making rude and senseless comemnts like this. My mom told me once that I’m gay so that I can teach the ignorant ones about love, and support those who are also gay.

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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