Happy Together

by | May 30, 2007 | John Ong Living, Photo | 21 comments

Nine years ago, this very day, we met for the first time in person.
Had our first date.
Anticipated his arrival. His champagne-colored Ford Explorer.
Hien Vuong, a Vietnamese restaurant in town.
We hugged.
Watched The Wedding Banquet ???Ƭ together. His head on my lap.
That’s how it started.
I still can’t believe that it has been nine years. It only felt like a couple of years ago.
We are lucky. We are in love. We are happy together.

Happy Together


  1. Steve

    Congratulations, that is quite an achievement! You look like such a great couple. 😀

  2. John Ong

    Thanks whore. 🙂
    Being happy together is the achievement, not the number. 🙂

  3. Hadi

    Congratulations John on your anniversary. Two pea in a pod!

  4. Peter


    Congratulations! I’ve been with my partner for 11 years and it’s funny how it feels like both forever and like no time at all 🙂

    I’m so happy for you both!

    Happy Anniversary.

  5. Reynard

    My dearest Penang Queen fella! 恭 喜 , 恭 喜 @ Tahniah @ Congratulations!!!
    Totally agree w u!!! Being together is an achievement, not the number!!!
    I do believe “Love at the first sight”!!!!! …. No wonder I’m still single n available, ha!!! Reto would have felt proud of you!!! You r almost getting there, ha!!! No more fatty Miku John, ha!!!!!
    Luv ya !!!!!

  6. Brad

    Like two peas in an iPod. 🙂

    Congrats on 9 years…can’t think of a nicer person for it to happen to.

  7. John Ong

    Thank you Reyard and Brad. Very nice messages from the two of you.

    Perhaps Reynard and Brad should hook up!

  8. Nick Thomas

    It’s great that you’ve found your true love. Bruce! I’m still looking and having fun sizing each guy up. So John what is the secret in finding a good man? May Bruce and yourself live out the rest of your life in love and happiness,

    Your podcasting friend,

    Nick Thomas

  9. David (AKK)

    Hi John… Congratulations 🙂

    As ppl said, Its very hard to maintain a relationship, but you had did it.. 🙂
    sincerely wish you happy 9th anniversary, chang chang jiu jiu (mandarin)… 🙂

  10. Signalite

    This makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s wonderful to have a someone, ain’t it?

    (Unless I’m now just producing hairballs…)

  11. John Ong

    Thanks Brad for the dedication.
    David, thanks for your well wishes. 😀 Xie Xie (in mandarin) 谢谢。
    Signalite, yes, it is nice to have someone. BTW, the Secret is Almost Out. I’m working on the file. I may have it for you to review yet this week.

  12. Phaik Loo Vigelis

    Wow, being together almost a decade. I am happy for u, John and Bruce. Now I know why John wanted a lady to massage him in Thai. What a loyal couple. Keep working on. It takes two to tangle togehter.

  13. Rick Simon

    Happy Anniversary John and Bruce! All the best to both of you, congratulations on nine years together.

  14. Chef Mark

    Hey whore, belated congrats! You guys look so cute in that picture!

  15. jepunlauee

    Congratulations !!!! John and Bruce….such a lovely couple…

    All the best to you both….

  16. John Ong

    Wow, thank you so much for all your wishes. Phaik Loo, Rich, Chef Mark, and Jepunlauee.

  17. Wyatt

    Oh my God, you two look soooo…….. cute together.

    “The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one’s relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.” Hugh Wapole, Sr. (1884 – 1941)

  18. yobosensei

    so cute~

  19. kimmy(kacang putih)

    John,Bruce!Congratulations to you both!Wish you both forever happy & loving all the time!

  20. John Ong

    Wyatt, thank you. And I love the quote.

    Yobosensei, thanks. 🙂

    Kimmy, thank you so much.

  21. Nancyew

    Congratulation….didn’t know that you are married. My heartiest congrats to both of you. You are a beautiful couple.


  1. 773 Podcast - [...] Isaac Angel - “Temple of Romance” - dedicated to my friend John from Ongline Podcast, celebrating his 9th anniversary!…

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