Emotional Bingeing

by | Jul 3, 2007 | John Ong Living | 5 comments

Is there such a thing?

I find my blog to be my place to vent my “deep thoughts” when no one is around to share.

Twitter makes me jot down the idea.

Blog lets me mold the idea.

Is there such a thing as too much good?

Last few weeks I experienced some.

Too much good makes the bad worse by contrast.

Romantic me, emotional-being me, tend to choose a lot of good and suffer a lot of LACK of good.

My obsessive behavior makes striking a balance in things difficult.

I always go too far before stopping. It reminds me of my food binge. Emotional bingeing.

Love. Friends. Closeness. Fun. Enjoyment. Work.

They all can be a bitch sometimes.

(Not bitter. Just reflecting)

I’m thankful for my sister’s improvements. I’m thankful for Bruce.


  1. Norman

    We are made up of our experiences and people we come in contact with. It seems as if you live your experiences to the fullest. That is good.

    Take care. 🙂

  2. Lisa

    John, come visit. Sit in the hot tub. It’ll all be fine!! Lisa

  3. Nick Thomas

    My door is always open to you John. And we have an Apple Store just up the road from where I live now. But if you wanna buy that awesome iPhone here ya best hurry or you’ll be driving a little further once I’ve moved to the new place in Pelham. Send me an email at ofmen@mac.com and I’ll send you my telephone # if you’d like to talk sometime. You can call me on that new iPhone you have your eye’s on. I’m so jealous! 😉 Cute boy

  4. John Ong

    Thanks Norman. Thanks Lisa. Thanks Nick.

    I hate to have caused any concern for all of you. I really am using my blog to vent.
    I am doing fine. Just don’t want you to be concerned about my “semi-psychotic” post! (Joking, of course) But that’s how I vent. That’s how I process. Sometimes privately, sometimes somewhat publicly.

    But you all have been very sweet.

  5. Nick Thomas

    John, I worry about you. You seem depressed lately. You are aware if you’ve been listening to my podcasts the emotional roller coaster I’ve been on of late. I have considered seeking professional help with my depression. Have you considered this John? If you’re like me you figure a new day will being a new outlook on life. That works for awhile, but oft times only to delay a resolution to a problem which cannot be solved on your own. That’s why we have trained professionals and medicine. I only say these things cause I love you and want everything to be okay for you. You’ve been a dear friend and very supportive when I’ve felt like everyone else in the podcast community had abandoned me. I love you for making me feel accepted. Know that I am here for you albeit long distance should you require someone to listen. Please consider talking to a professional. I think it’ll help. Know that there are many John Ong friends out here. We love and care for you and want the best for you. Sorry to go on. I’m around if you ever want to talk. Hugs to you.

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