It just needed time. Yesterday was the time. Support and love from friends helped.
This morning I woke up without the cloud of worries and concerns. What a fucking relief!
The amazing thing is, nothing changed. In fact, my sister is back to the hospital. She’s okay. She needed more treatments. I spoke to her last night. She is more at peace than I was. I am learning. And other things are still the same too. I just stop obsessing about them. I’ll let things fall into their own places at their own time. I’ve given enough and have decided to be nice to myself. 🙂
I am not declaring victory in my emotional struggles, but I’m certain almost set.
(Picture was taken last Thanksgiving in North Carolina)
Love the picture. Did you take it yourself?
Strike for victory no matter how hard the obstacle may challenge you. You will win in the end. 🙂
P/S: Yesterday was fun but can we do another show when I’m sober? I think it’s silly to post the podcast from yesterday. =P
Yobosensei, thanks. Yes, I took the pictures. Actually if you go to my flickr page, I have a whole series of the sunset pictures from NC.
The biggest obstacle for me is always the same person, myself. And I ain’t small, if you know what I mean ;), it’s quite a jump. I’m learning, that’s all I can say. About myself and others.
I don’t even know if I’m going to post that show. I think the conversation before I started recording was actually better. I’ll save it for the future.
Nice peaceful picture John! You are such a good photographer.
Thanks Nick. 🙂