Comparing Fat

by | Nov 19, 2007 | John Ong Living, Photo | 6 comments

Almost 11 months ago, I started exercising.
It wasn’t easy. I worked really hard, and I’m still working on making it a natural routine for me.
I think I may be getting the routine part in the near future. As far as natural, at this point, perhaps it’ll never happen.
I was playing with iPhoto on my new iMac and found some older photos. I like to put together a side-by-side comparison to motivate myself to continue exercising. Since I am not doing any diet, and exercise alone takes a while to see results. But I think you can tell from these pictures. If you can’t, go fuck yourself! Just kidding. Not really. I work my ass off, and I still do.

Comparing Fat


  1. Vincent Tan

    That was a huge achievement ! u make us proud !

  2. John Ong

    Vincent, same goes out to you. You are one of my inspirations and motivations.

  3. Jeff & Kenny

    Seriously we can seen a huge different whenever we hang out together (though not often enough).Congrats John, you should be very proud of yourself for keeping up with routine despite your busy schedule. We should do a double date at the gym and then dinner after working hard on checking out the hotties at the gym (ooops no pun intended). Anyway don’t measure your success on just about how you look but also how you feel.

    J & K

  4. Lao Garfield

    My god John! You looked so Gorgeous with your new SLIM look! Teach me how can I get back to shape! Anyway, kiong hee lu for you new bodyshape! 😛

  5. John Ong

    Thanks Jeff and Kenny for your guidance and encouragements. Without you, I don’t think I’d have the courage to even step into a gym.

    Lao Garfield, thank you.

    The ironic thing is, this morning, after a big poop. LOL. I thought I’d be like all skinny. I’m usually around 176 to 178 pounds. Guess what, 180 this morning. Fuck! Body fat is about the same. 17.5%. I hope it’s muscle. Damn it. Fat!

  6. T. Kevin

    Look at you! Congratulations, isn’t it great to see how much you have achieved? And at least as important, I bet the exercise makes you feel better too (I know I get cranky if I miss a couple days).


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