Today, I was touched by two podcasts.
Nick Thomas shared a very intimate part of him, and no I’m not talking about sex.
“173 The little boy inside”
And Rich from Herro Flom Japan shared a story that touched me so deeply. He shared the birth and death of a special friendship. It’s unfortunate that he had to pull the episode down for personal reasons. Oh boy, can I relate to this experience.
“Another post deleted.”
Shows like these get me going with my own podcasts. This is what had drawn me to podcasting in the first place.
On a lighter note, I was at the gym, all alone at 2:09am, and an email came into my iPhone. It was a listener’s comment:
on this early blue monday moring no listen ur podcast show , my life can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t going on?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
2.09pm?¢‚Ǩ¬¶thanks god u post ridi?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ 😉
Another reason why I do the shows. I truly appreciate those who share, and those who appreciate what I share.
Thank you…
… please!
Yes, Nick Thomas seems to be having a tough time of it at the moment. Listening to his No.173 – I felt so impotent – I so wanted to be able to do something to comfort him.
My journey as a podcast listener has been an organic one. Started in Xmas 2005 with a random show which had a link to another which, in turn, had links to yet others. Which led me to the group of people I listen to today. Each and every one of them I value and respect for the time and effort that they expend in putting out their podcasts. They interest, amuse, sometimes infuriate, but always provide me with a connection to, & with, other lives, other life experiences, other cultures & viewpoints. Enables me to meet (albeit just online) people I would never have otherwise met and to share part of their lives. And in a small way, develop friendships.
As you know, John, I arrived at the Ongline via Nick Thomas’s podcast – and I am glad that I did.
Thank you Paul (in London – as how Nick would say it).