Meeting Podcasters in NYC

by | Mar 4, 2008 | John Ong Living, Photo | 5 comments

Whoring ourselves at the 14th Street Apple Store in New York City.
I had SO much fun. Thanks everyone. I’ll name names: Peter, Pinoyboy, VJ, Chef Mark, Adam, Eric, Brian, Mr Who, Leon, David B, and my new NY boyfriend MikeyHOT!

Click on the image to go to Flickr to see who’s who. (Thanks for the idea Nick Thomas)

Podcasters gathered in NYC


  1. Nick Thomas

    So John you should identify each of these characters from left to right. I think I see VJ in the bunch and your ass is there to be sure. But I count more 7 strangers and no Chef Mark. So please John . . . can we get a left right rundown so we can be on the lookout for these pervs if we’re ever so lucky to be in NYC. Whores! ;P

  2. John Ong

    Nick, I have added a line to encourage people to click on the image and go to Flickr. I have them all labeled there. Try it that way. Thanks for that idea to put a line there, most people don’t do that. Chef Mark wasn’t there at that event. But he will be in future videos, and actually you can see him in my Flickr.

  3. VJnet

    John, it was such a blast meeting you in person for the first time, finally! You are awesome. And skinnier in person than you made be believe. You whoring hottie! Hugs and thanks for the kisses from Greg B. 😀

    Nick, I took tons of photos with everyone’s names and stuff on it that you can also click out on my flickr and site. Eric, Conffesions of a Southern Boy in Yankeeland, isn’t in the iSight photo either.

  4. John Ong

    VJ, it was a blast meeting you too. We have to do this more often. And thanks about the skinny comment. 😀

  5. Nick Thomas

    I figured John was just exaggerating his fatness. Now we all know the truth. Thanks VJ

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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