Equality has no exceptions

by | Dec 19, 2008 | John Ong Living | 1 comment

Does Barack Obama’s pick of Rev Rick Warren also reflects his own view? His cabinet’s view?

Sure it does!

Rev Warren isn’t bad. He is just wrong. But if we continue to let little things like this slip by, we will never achieve equality. There is no room for exceptions when it comes to equality. Equal is equal. You have all the freedom to be wrong and discriminatory in your own church. But we are not talking about a religious marriage. This is my human right. I suggest Rev. Warren go back to the history of marriage and ?Ǭ†he’ll be delighted to find out that?Ǭ†polygamy?Ǭ†was totally fine, if he insists on his thousands of years of marriage history.

In this YouTube video he claims he’s not homophobic. I believe him. He is just wrong (in comparing same-sex marriage to incest and?Ǭ†pedophilia). How about hearing that same comment made about interracial marriages 40 years ago? And the same made about interracial marriages today?

I would still have voted for Obama if I had the right to vote in November. But I will not let this sort of stance made at my expense. Obama and his future administration needs to make this right. He of all people should know about this, having come from a interracial parents.?Ǭ†

I don’t blindly support Obama. There will be more to come, I am sure of that.

1 Comment

  1. Whitney

    Beautifully said, John. There are still people looking, searching, for Barack to fail at something so that they can rub it in his supporters faces and call him a “fake” or even try to call him out of his name. But, the way I feel is that ever derogatory blow, comment, lie, rumour, misconception, that is made to be against Barack, those who made them, get slapped BACK 5 times just as hard.

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