Peace to All

by | Dec 23, 2008 | John Ong Living, Photo | 4 comments

There has been so many levels (the world down to my own site) of noise and chaos. Realistically, we all need to face that every day. But I hope you will take a moment and think of your ultimate goal of doing what you do. At the end of the day, it’s hard to argue that we want love and peace.

I wish you all peace and love. Our conversations will continue, but don’t let us get distracted or hurt by losing our focus on our bigger goal. Again, love and peach to all.



  1. Whitney

    Geez, maybe I need to watch “The Sopranos” because thats been popping up everywhere around me. lol! Anywho, you’re right, John. This should be a loving season nomatter what everyone’s background is. I hope that everyone that has contacted me here have safe and wonderful Christmas be it with your family, friends, or by yourself. I hope you all have a joyous one. Even you, Marco. ^__^*

  2. greg b

    Hi John. Been a while since I’ve commented but I’m still here. Just wanted to stop by and wish you and yours a very merry Christmas!

  3. norman in san diego

    Intentionally or not, in your last line you said, “Love and peach to all.” I LOVE IT!

    Merry Christmas, John! 🙂

  4. John Ong

    It’s not intentional, well, now it will be! Peach and Peace to all.

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