Better than iPad

by | Mar 29, 2010 | John Ong Living | 5 comments

You should all know by now that I am gaga over iPad. I have been thinking, dreaming, and lusting over iPad since the day it was announced. People at work have been telling me that if there’s a Tag Cloud for my word choices, “iPad” would be very BIG. I guess, I don’t have to tell you how much I’d like to have iPad for my birthday and how much I’d enjoy using it.

But, the big BUT… is that I would rather have you all my blog readers, my podcast listeners, my Twitter followers, my fellow podcasters, than having iPad. Now, that’s saying a lot.

During my short break, and my rather quiet comeback, you have been extra supportive. I can’t express enough gratitude for you.

You, are better than iPad.

(that said, I wouldn’t mind having you and iPad both. I’m such a bitch, I know.)


  1. Michael Ong

    I think the Wifi version is sleeker looking. The black patch on the top ruins the design on the back, and even the front bezel is visually chopped on the top.

  2. Jarno

    John, you have just got $50 for you upcoming iPad. I hope you still remember your Paypall username & password. 😉 This is my way to say _thank_you_. I have listened to your podcasts since the very beggining.

    I hope people reading this (fans/listeners) will also donate. John has done so much for podcasting & freedom of speech – us. In addition, he is a relatively nice guy and he has a birth day! 😉

    You can find the donation button on the main page of this blog.

    Thank you for everything, John! And happy birth day. x o x o

  3. John Ong

    Jarno, thank you so much. I am slowly collecting from my savings and from people who can’t stand me talking about wanting iPad. I am sure I’ll get there. I won’t get until until the 3G version is out. I have time to save up. I love you! Thanks so much.

  4. benooi

    Asshole! That is new legend IPAD!
    haih, need some time for waiting ipad selling in M’sia

  5. John Ong

    Looks like the launch in Malaysia might be delayed.

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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