A Plane! A Plane!

by | Nov 23, 2006 | John Ong Living, Photo | 4 comments

It’s Thanksgiving. I did nothing. Ate. And showing off what my brother discovered while playing with Google Earth. A plane! The plane is flying over my hometown of Penang. Specifically, over the Gurney Drive area. Perhaps it’s no big deal, but I was excited. I’m sure my Penang Hokkien podcast listeners.

Google Plane

If you have Google Earth on your computer, get the zipped KMZ file from here. I’m not sure if it’ll show up in every version. I’m running the Mac version of Google Earth version 4.0.2093(beta). Let me know if you see it in yours.

I sent this post to boing boing too. The Gay Expat encourage me to boing it. So, we’ll see if they boing the boing I boing.


  1. cili padi

    yup my dad told me abt this too,nice….never thought of seeing a plane from this angle

  2. John Ong

    Yeah, I think it’s pretty cool that it’s there in the Gurney area. 🙂

  3. Nick Thomas

    Hate to be the fly in the oinment, but that doesn’t look like a real plane to me. The shadows cast by the building don’t appear to match those of the plane! And what is that white outline of the plane on the ground? Weird. N e way. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Been listening to a lot of the podcasters listed here in John’s show notes. And of course John’s podcasts! Hope to hear from you again soon John. Enjoy this warm sunny Sunday afternoon. I’m gonna hate going back to work tomorrow. Bye Bye

  4. cili padi

    hey there is another place in china which has an aeroplane image as well u should go check in out,its somewhere near kunming

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