Guilt shit

by | Jun 26, 2007 | John Ong Living | 6 comments

Can I be happy when I know others are suffering?

Am I a selfish bitch if I am?

Or am I just trying to have a bigger heart than I really do?

Where do you draw the line of selfishness and selflessness?



  1. Nick Thomas

    You don’t have any reason to feel guilty John. You can’t take the world’s troubles onto your shoulders. You’re not being selfish. You’re being a realist. There are all kinds of things I’d change about this world if I could wave a magic wand. All one need do is listen to your podcasts and they can witness for themselves what a kind caring soul you are. Hugs to John Ong.

  2. John Ong

    Thank you Nick. (sniffles)

  3. Hadi

    Hi John,
    Sometimes being emphatic has its disadvantageous. I recommend sitting down and having a cup of tea – watching the world is key even before reacting to anything.

    Change comes from within and affect the people closest to you. It is better to focus on those that reciprocate rather than over-reaching. That’s my motto anyway.

    Like the Pokemon catch phrase, “PODCASTERS, I choose you!”
    You’ve made a difference.

  4. Wyatt

    Even Superman/Clark Kent finds it hard to
    juggle his love life with Lois Lane, protecting his secret identity,
    job commitment journalism, and protecting the world.

    I just walk past a beggar with only one feet, distorted back, and only one and a half limb this morning without more than a pity glance.

    What do you think will happen if i feel pity over all the strays on the street and bring all of them home?

    Haha…i guess whatever i wrote doesn’t make much sense,
    but try not to feel pity and guilty over whatever inevitable.
    But just to serve as a reminder, you (your podcasts) help me ease my pain of being an outcast in the community i am now, and probably many others out there just like me, alone in the world, who found solace through your podcasts.

    Keep up the wit and the charm you possess, it’s a gift from God you possess, and do keep in mind that you are changing the world, even though the steps are relatively small, but you’re speaking out for the minority community.

    So, you ain’t a selfish bitch, at all.

  5. John Ong

    Thanks Hadi and Wyatt for your wise and kind words.

  6. Vincent Tan

    Cheer up John, everything will be ok.

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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