Ongline #82: Crunchy Connections

Ongline Podcast

Show #82 | Duration: 24:05 | 11.2 MB | Mono |

Chicken skin

Amit’s Podcast

Mr G

Penang Hokkien Podcast ????

Tell me if you like a “Phone-in Show”?

Download Gizmo for a conference call on Ongline Podcast.

Kansas City Podcasters Meetup

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #81: Other Malaysian Podcasts

Ongline Podcast

Show #81 | Duration: 20:29 | 9.6 MB | Mono |

Fellow Malaysian podcasters.

Projek Petaling Street Review or PPS review

On The Fence

??????? Malaysian Chinese Podcasters

Penang Hokkien Podcast ????

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #80: Smilie is back. Desperate Cold remedy.

Ongline Podcast

Show #80 | Duration: 22:10 | 10.3 MB | Mono |

Smilie is back.

Thanks to Felicia, Andy, Tigger, my cousin Cat, and Andrew.

Busy with 7 jobs.

Drug store: Airborne

Desperate cold prevention

Hokkien dialect in

How do you describe my show?

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #78: Almost 1000 Names

Ongline Podcast

Show #78 | Duration: 29:44 | 27.4 MB | Stereo |

Good Samaritan Project:
The mission of Good Samaritan Project is to provide supportive and responsive care for a diverse community of individuals affected by HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS through education and advocacy.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #77: Good Samaritan Project

Ongline Podcast

Show #77 | Duration: 19:10 | 17.7 MB | Stereo |

My cat won’t let me go to work.

Good Samaritan Project.

Consider donating to the Hurricane Katrina Victims through American Red Cross

Well wishes to Archerr‘s boyfriend’s family.

My new podcast is now on iTunes, if you enjoy listening to Hokkien (Chinese dialect), check it out at Click on the iTunes subscription button.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


I’m performing at the Plaza

I believe there’s only a very small chance that my blog readers and my podcast listeners are from Kansas City. But, I’d just like to let you know that Maria (my singing partner), Chris (my music director/accompanist) and I will be performing some classic pieces at the Plaza Art Fair, of course, at the Country Club Plaza.

If you’re in town, or from here. Stop by the Classic Stage from 1:30pm to 3:00pm on September 24, 2005 (Saturday).

The Classic Stage is situated at Nichols Road and Central. Right across the street from Starbucks Coffee.

I’m so excited, and sorta nervous. I don’t really know what to expect. I guess you’ll probably have a podcast about my experience.

Ongline #76: A Personal Story of Immigration Inequality

Ongline Podcast

Show #76 | Duration: 29:57 | 17.9 MB | Mono |

Find out how you can help with this issue:
Uniting American Families Act

US Immigration Law for gay people.

Phil shares his personal stories.

Find out more about this issue at Human Rights Campaign‘s website.

More information and how you can help.

Check out my new podcast, if you enjoy listening to Hokkien (Chinese dialect) at promo.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.


Ongline #75 Lovers Torn Apart by Borders.

Ongline Podcast

Show #75 | Duration: 29:57 | 27.6 MB | Stereo |

Find out how you can help with this issue:
Uniting American Families Act

US Immigration Law for gay people.

Lovers torn apart by borders.

Progressive countries with immigration law to protect gay couples.

Check out my new podcast, if you enjoy listening to Hokkien (Chinese dialect) at promo.

is a place for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender podcasters, listeners, and suppporters. Find out more about queercasts over there.



Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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