Podcamp Midwest 2007 Registration Begins

Dear fellow podcasters and listeners,

I invite you to Podcamp Midwest 2007 here in the middle of America, Kansas City, Missouri, to learn about podcasting, share your podcasting knowledge and experience, and also to network and meet with other podcasters and listeners. And of course, to meet me and my fat.

An eMedia Unconference
in Kansas City, MISSOURI

July 20th and 21st

20th, Pre-event gathering @ 6:00pm
21st, All-Day sessions followed by a post-event @ 7:00pm

Registration link is here:
Podcamp Midwest Registration

Hope to see you here.

Spring Break

Hello all. I just want to let all of you know that I’m going to be lazy and take a spring break this coming Monday. There will be no show on April 2nd, 2007. But I will be back April 9th. Hope you’re enjoying the arrival of spring as well. I surely am with my loved ones. All my love to you. Don’t forget to smile. 🙂


While you have one show fewer on your list, you might want to check out the newly found gem from Singapore recommended by a listener of mine:

Their iTunes link is here:

Ongline Widget for your Dashboard

Ongline Widget

NOTE: I just fixed the bad link! Thanks VJ.

A friend of mine, whom I betrayed* (explanation comes if you guys want to know), made me a Dashboard widget for Christmas. It’s very cool. It’s still beta. So, come back for the full release in the future. Of course, if “Dashboard Widgets” mean nothing to you, well, then you probably don’t want it. It’s something for you Mac. If you don’t run OS X Tiger, then you’d have no use for it. But if you do, here it is.

Click on the widget icon on the left to download the zipped widget. Unzip if you have to (sounds naughty, that’s a “heeey” moment at OhMyPod.net, listen to them, and you’ll know why.)

Pride Exhaustion

Sorry I’m a bit behind with Ongline Podcast. I spent a lot of time at Gay Pride Kansas City this year. I came back late last night (Sunday night), and was too tired to edit the show. I went straight to bed. The next episode recorded at Pride 2006 will be on later today or tomorrow. This week is Pride week on Ongline Podcast.

I’d like to welcome all the new listeners I spoke to at Pride. Call in and leave a comment on my voicemail, it’s 206-888-JOHN.



Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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