Spirit is up

A personal thank you to all of you who commented and wrote me personally, or IM-ed me, or spoke to me in person about my sister. 

I just got off the phone with my mom and sister. She is improving a little, and I actually spoke to her. Her spirit is up. She's listening to my Penang Hokkien podcast. And she told me that she wants to be on the show when she recovers. I can't wait. 

I believe in positive energy, I believe in prayers. I appreciate all of you who send that her way, my way, and my family's way. Love you all. 

Good thoughts

I contemplated about making this public at all.

Without having to go into all the details, I just want to express my feelings.

My sister is not feeling well.She is in the hospital getting treatments. She will recover. Perhaps slowly. I am staying positive, but it's very hard. I can't help but try to imagine how it must be for her.

All of us siblings are very close. And it makes it hard when my brother and I both physically so far from my sister.

No matter what you believe or not, I would like you to send positive thoughts and energy, or prayers to my sister for her speedy recovery. Also, if you'd keep her family in your thoughts and prayers, my brother-in-law, my niece, my nephews, and especially my parents.

Thank you. And I'll keep you posted. The last I heard was she's improving a little. But there had been too many ups and downs for me to get too excited. But I'm going to stay positive for her.


Happy Together

Nine years ago, this very day, we met for the first time in person.
Had our first date.
Anticipated his arrival. His champagne-colored Ford Explorer.
Hien Vuong, a Vietnamese restaurant in town.
We hugged.
Watched The Wedding Banquet ?•‚Äì?ì?•¬Æ¬¥ together. His head on my lap.
That’s how it started.
I still can’t believe that it has been nine years. It only felt like a couple of years ago.
We are lucky. We are in love. We are happy together.

Happy Together

Me as of late

Looking back on my Flickr photos, I realized I haven’t uploaded too many pictures since I came back from Malaysia. Especially pictures of myself.
Here are some pictures from my phone, computer, and camera.
All the way from snuggling with one of my cats to checking out my zits on the computer.
There, in case you see me on the street, come say hi. 😀

Me as of late

Reverse Explicit Tag

I came across a blog from a Malaysian Chinese kid. I found the explicit warning extremely funny. It’s not a warning to kids about the explicit content, but a warning to other kids to not get into trouble for viewing the content. So cute.

Explicit tag from a kid

Warning, explicit, vulgar word contain in the song. Please don’t watch in front of your parents. I am not responsible for what happened next if you get beat up or scolded. Just sharing with you guys, lame, funny parody. Not for under 18. Ahem ahem , I am. Very no no for under 12. 🙂

Song name : Normal Vagina (?¶‚Ñ¢¬Æ?©‚Ǩ?°?©¬?¬°?ß‚Ñ¢¬? – Pool Tung Chee Bye?جº‚Ä?

Rejoice over a death?

Jerry Falwell died yesterday. He used his position to promote hate. No doubt. But should we be rejoicing over his death? I heard a lot of “Yay, he’s dead!” since yesterday.

Perhaps, we should use the energy of excitement to continue educating and inspiring those who was taught the wrong thing – hatred. Spewing hatred back to those who hate us isn’t going to solve anything.

Call me a rightous-wannabe. Rejoicing over someone’s death isn’t sitting quite right in me.

What the world needs now is love.

The Beginning of Immigration Equality

A bill that is very close to my heart. I am in a bi-national relationship. I am lucky to have my employer take care of my permanent residency status, so that I can be with my hubby, Bruce. Not everyone is this lucky.

The United American Families Act will be reintroduced to Congress in 2 days. Please find out more information from Immigration Equality’s website. Or go to Ongline #145 USA Immigration Law for GLBT and listen to my chat with the Executive Director of Immigration Equality, Rachel Tiven.

Go back to Immigration Equality’s website in two days to find out how to urge your representatives to support this bill.

Do it for me. Do it for those you know. Do it for those who are in love but torn by borders. Do it for equality.

UAFA Reintroduction in 2 days


Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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