Free Speech after registration for Malaysian Bloggers?

Lately I read an article about the Malaysian government thinking about possibly having blogs hosted in Malaysia to register with the authorities. Now, this is merely an idea. But do you think this is going to happen? What if it does?

Check out the article from Al Jazeera English.

On a different note, I received another gay-hate-comment from my Penang Hokkien website. The part that is weird is, it was among all the warm birthday wishes from my listeners and friends. Go figure. My listeners are very protective, so “ttt”, be nice. Sometimes I wonder how someone can make such comments? I think he/she/it is more ignorant than anything else. He may be even trying to give me his genuine advice. But then, I guess you wouldn’t call me “Si Poh Hiao”, that’s similar to calling someone a “fucking faggot”.
To see the comment there, click here.

ttt gay comment

Wish the same for you

Happy & Peaceful

The picture was taken today at my regular American Chinese restaurant. My cookie tells me, “Your life will be happy and peaceful.”

That’s nice. I would like to thank all of you who sent me birthday wishes through email, comments, and phone calls. And some presents too. 🙂

I wish your life to be a “happy and peaceful” one too.

Love you all. I will be back to podcasting next Monday. It feels fabulous to be 33.

Comfort Snacks

Goreng Pisang Goreng

There’s always up and there’s always down. I want to balance by pathetic last few weeks with a bit of a pick-me-up.

One of my comfort snacks that I love is “chien tni kueh”. It’s a layer of this sticky glutinous steamed cake sandwiched between a slice of yam and a slice sweet potato (and outside of America, specifically, southern America, sweet patatoes and yams are two separate things. One is typically orange in color, the other white with a touch of light purple)… are you still with me? Well, the best part is here, the cake, yam, and sweet potato slices are then battered and deep fried. Click on the image above to see more of the process.

Mom bought me two pieces. I forgot how GOOD they were. Crunchy, slightly salty, sweet, gooey, starchy, heavenly, put on 2 pounds, and definitely worth it!

Found a Fruit to share

I can’t even wait for my Monday’s podcast to tell you about this. Well, I have been listening to about 5 or 6 shows from Thanks Archerr for introducing this show to me. I started listening while I’m on the way back from Malaysia. It brought me smiles when I was struggling with my big “D”.

So, today, I am officially sharing this fruit with you. Go listen to Buck Jackson on His stories are funny. His delivery is perfect. It really doesn’t matter if the stories fictional or real. I love them.

fruit venture

Nutella Love Story

Qcast Connecticut did a show on Nutella, QCC 52: The NutellaCast, and I wrote this to Michael and Mr B:

If this is too late for the show, you can still be jealous of us here in the midwest. I guess that’s why we’re fat here. I went to Costco tonight, and when I saw the Nutella, I couldn’t help myself but take some pictures for you two.

I know as a podcaster, I should be sending you an mp3 of my story, but hey, I’m too busy being depressed. 😀 I’m much better now.
So, I’m just going to write.

I got my Nutella training when I was five. The kindergarten I attended, as did my primary and secondary schools (that’s how we call grade school and high school), we get conduct grades too. Meaning, how you behave in school, in class, will affect your conduct grade. Being the good boy that I was, and still am, I usually get A’s for my conduct in school. For both my kindergarten years, five and six years old, I was the top Good Boy. So, I get to walk up the stage, being presented a package of goodies by my principal. And I could care less about all that. My main motivation was the little individual pack Nutella. It’s probably about the size of the individual pack butter we get in restaurants. Of course, it also came equipped with a little plastic spreader. Of course, it was never a spreader for me, it’s just a spoon for me to dig out the Nutella from the dish and eat it all up. Everyone did that. Not until I’m in my twenties that I discovered they were actually spreads.

I’m watching my weight lately. But when I was in my bingeing period, I used to eat it with a spoon. It grosses me out even to think about it now. Eek, sweet!!!!!
That’s my Nutella love story.

Nutella Love StoryFat hiding fat

The letter D

Up until last week, I didn’t really know what it feels like. I always thought that I’m blessed with a happy-go-lucky attitude that it isn’t going to come find me.

This last weekend, I felt like a zombie. I just didn’t want to do anything. Say anything. Not even do the thing that I tell everyone to do – to smile.

I spoke to and went to a couple of people I know will take my, (clearing throat), shit. Immediately after that, I felt better. But then, it comes back.

It’s still not gone yet. I was doing mostly fine today, but little tiny stupidest things would set me off. I’d illogically be feeling suspecious about things. I’d feel sad from that. And yes, illogical, but the sadness is as true as can be.

I am almost certain that it is from my trip. The travel. The parting with my family. Sudden change of routines.

I was going to wait until I’m out of this before I write or talk about it. But I choose to stay offline for a few days from iChat. If you’re used to see me there. I probably won’t be there for a few days. Only Bruce and my parents can see me online. I just need to get out of this funk before I can interact with people online. Because I don’t want you to worry, that’s why I write this now.

I’m going to take it easy a bit. Hide a bit. Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to go away. I just need a little room. I’m sure I’ll read this post in the future and laugh at my drama-queen reaction.

The letter D is for depression.

Emotional Jet Lag

I was missing Bruce, the cats, and our home badly around the second week of my stay in Penang, Malaysia. I also had a lot activities to keep me busy during that time.

At the end of my trip, I was ready to come home. I thought that it was going to be hard emotionally for me at the airport. But a few things happened that took my attention away from focusing on the parting. Met a friend. Trying to use up my pre-paid phone card. My cousin brought me some books. It was emotional, but not as badly as I remembered the last time I left the Penang International Airport. With free wifi at KLIA, I was still able to call my Mama. Heard my Papa. I even called from Taipei.

This morning, I woke up to an empty house. Bruce left for work. Suddenly I got this rush of missing my parents. To the point of shedding tears. I still am, right now at work, writing this. I guess you are always a baby in your parents’ eyes no matter how old you become.

I don’t know why this came so late. I think it’s emotional jet lag. I am already looking forward to seeing them again, be it here or there.

Not easy.

Papa & Mama
My parents took me to their favorite duck rice place on the second day of my Penang visit. Yummy.

Landed in KC

Flight landed in Kansas City. Everything was smooth. The wait wasn’t bad with wifi. I had to pay tho. But it helped. Next post should be from home.


Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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