A very big phone

A very big phone

Being silly is a part of me. I’m sure most of you can identify my silliness from my podcast.

This is a picture of me in my pretend office at IKEA last year.

“Hello! I can’t hear you even with my BIG phone!”

Mouse as pillow

Mouse as pillow

Mouse as pillow

Originally uploaded by johnong.

You all know Chai. He’s our boy.

A couple of months ago, while I was editing a show on the computer while chatting with my mom on the computer, he sneaked up. As usual, he likes to snuggle up close to me.

As he’s falling asleep, he slowly and sneakily pushed my hand off the mouse, and took over.

I guess being a cat, he really knows which part of the computer is his favorite.

Bigots here, Bigots there, Bigots everywhere

Yesterday on Ongline #157, I voiced my frustration of the religious right’s discriminatory act. They want to amend the Constitution to re-define marriage as ONLY between a man and a woman.

Today, the Vatican chimed in with their two cents. Hate some more!

The Vatican, the supposedly “Mother Church”, and I use quotation because my heart and mind know it is wrong. I just can’t even begin to imagine God being this hateful. Hateful enough to write a 60-page document on how to hate. Quote from Reuters about the article:

“It listed these threats as homosexual marriages, giving gay couples equal legal recognition as married heterosexuals, lesbians demanding the right to bear children through artificial insemination and gays who want to adopt children.”

How do gay marriages threaten marriages? I may be a “log cabin Catholic”. I am a Christian. I am also gay. The day I felt the most Christian is the day I accepted my sexuality. That was the day I stopped hating myself. Ironically, that was also the day the religion who taught me truth and love started to hate me. Hate frosted with love is still hate in the core.

You! Pope, some Bishops, some Priests, some religious leaders, some “Christians”, can you please keep your hatred within your own bubbles. I don’t even expect the “church” to bless the love between Bruce and I. That has already been taken care of when we fell in love. I don’t need that. But I do want to demand for equal rights in the society I live in, and hopefully for everyone around the world. Unlike the “church” who teaches discrimination. Apparently, “giving gay couples equal legal recognition as married heterosexuals” is a threat! In plain language, “don’t give gay couples equal legal recognition.” Oh, it doesn’t sound too far from their public intention either!

“Church”, it’s time to pull your head out of your behind. And start to see love. Perhaps it requires homosexuals to pull your head out of your ass so that you can see love. Talking about irony.

Pride Exhaustion

Sorry I’m a bit behind with Ongline Podcast. I spent a lot of time at Gay Pride Kansas City this year. I came back late last night (Sunday night), and was too tired to edit the show. I went straight to bed. The next episode recorded at Pride 2006 will be on later today or tomorrow. This week is Pride week on Ongline Podcast.

I’d like to welcome all the new listeners I spoke to at Pride. Call in and leave a comment on my voicemail, it’s 206-888-JOHN.


Banner for PodcastersUnite.com

Now you can put a link on your webiste or podcast. Every shirt sold, $1 is donated to the customer’s favorite podcast. Insert this graphic banner on your website.


Copy the HTML codes below and Paste them into your website:

<a href="http://podcastersunite.com/shop/" title="Get cool podcasting t-shirts"><img src="http://podcastersunite.com/images/WearAndSupport.gif" alt="PodcastersUnite.com" title="Get cool podcasting t-shirts" /></a>

Back to Business

So, some of you may know that I started a t-shirt online store with the sole emphasis on Podcasting theme about eight months ago. It’s called PodcastersUnite.com.

Most of my customers are my listeners. So, I have been getting pictures of you wearing the Join the Podcast Revolution” t-shirt. I decided to create a photo gallery on PodcastersUnite.com. It only took me about six month! Oay! But here it is, I call it Model Citizens:

Thank you ALL for your support!

Model Citizens Screen


Being Chinese, eight is a significant number. It represents a series of good fortune. The pronunciation of Eight in Cantonese also sounds like “striking a fortune”. Chinese in general is all about money and wealth and more money and more wealth.

Today, eight years ago, Bruce and I met for the first time. I liked him right away. Within a couple of months, we’re in love.

It’s hard to express in words, especially with me writing, how I feel about our relationship. The only way I know how to put it is, we are still very in love.

I love you Buhmbee. Happy Anniversary.

Welcome to Ongline v. 2.0

I hope it didn’t take you too many steps to get from my old site, http://johnong.com/ongline to my new home, http://OnglinePodcast.com

I have intended to do this since I purchased the URL a year ago. But I wasn’t sure how far i would go with my podcast. Ongline started as a blog, and adding podcast to it was a little too big a commitment for me. But now is the right time to make the move.

Ongline v. 1.0 was created on MovableType. I installed it on my server before I even know what MySQL was. I just followed a friend’s lead, and boom, it’s there. I tried to customize my page as much as possible, but it has always been pretty simple. But, why did I change?

Last August I started a new podcast called Penang Hokkien Podcast. I intentionally went with WordPress. Just to test it out. And it’s been wonderful. I’ve been waiting for the right time to do so. I kept putting it off. Then last week, I started to get more and more SPAM comments. That irritated me to the point where I decided to take this week off from podcasting, and actually work on moving my blog/podcast over to WordPress.

It’s late. 1:35AM on Memorial day. That means, my writing sucks even more.

My RSS feed also has changed. If you’re using iTunes music store feed, your change has already been made quietly. You don’t have to do anything different. But if you manually entered the feed, you might want to confirm and see if your feed was an older feed? http://johnong.com/ongline/index.xml is an old feed. I will still keep updating the feed. You don’t have to change it. But if you choose to. You can always go with http://subscribe.onglinepodcast.com or http://onglinepodcast.com/feed.xml
Thanks to Steve’s software called Feeder, I am able to maintain my feeds with a lot of freedom. I’m a control freak, what can I say. I like to have the final say on what goes on my feed. Thanks Steve!

Okay. Sleep time. I hope Ongline v. 2.0 is not too much of a beta release.

Broadband Withdrawal

I am writing this in a lovely studio apartment in Brooklyn, New York.

I took a bus from LaGuardia Airport to a subway station, and then the R train to meet up with my friend. After getting the directions on how to get to his apartment, I hopped on another train to get into Brooklyn. Within a short walk, I got my big suitcase, my heavy bag pack, and my heavy self to the apartment.

I opened the window, the cool breeze from outside filled the room. Very nice. I flipped open my laptop. Found a network named DomShiv. It’s password protected. Dang!

I wanted my broadband. I needed to check my websites. I’m having withdrawal! Broadband withdrawal.

Within an hour in this lovely apartment, I am now online! Broadband even.

I called Verizon Wireless to get me some Broadband Access. Boom. I’m on the web again. Phew!

Am I sick? Yes, I guess. But at least, I’m cured.


I use an aggregator to check on headlines and news from Reuters.

We all know that hypocrisy is a part of the White House, and especially the President Bush since the first day of his campaign. And when I say “we all know that”, not because I want to convince you of my statement. In favor of W or not, you know that it is true. Unless you’re living in a fantasy world. Which I have seen many.

Today, when I check on my news, these two news were just an entry apart. It was funny. Ironic. And sad at the same time. I hope some of your fantasy are popped. Start looking around you. Look at people. And look beyond parties.

I intentionally left out calling Republicans or Democrats. Because I have seen true Republicans, and not those in the White House right now, utilizing the title Republicans to bully and make more money for themselves. The rich getting richer, the middle class and poor getting poorer.


Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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