on the move

I hope none of you were trying to access my site during the move.

I have finally had to move all my files from one hosting company to another. It is almost completely done. At least, the parts that I can do is done.

Most of the issues are probably on the podcast side. During the move, my podcast feed is broken for a while. Then the feed doesn’t see any enclosure. But, everything should be up and running now.

Please email me if you still encounter any issue.

Happy Tuesday.

I’m performing at the Plaza

I believe there’s only a very small chance that my blog readers and my podcast listeners are from Kansas City. But, I’d just like to let you know that Maria (my singing partner), Chris (my music director/accompanist) and I will be performing some classic pieces at the Plaza Art Fair, of course, at the Country Club Plaza.

If you’re in town, or from here. Stop by the Classic Stage from 1:30pm to 3:00pm on September 24, 2005 (Saturday).

The Classic Stage is situated at Nichols Road and Central. Right across the street from Starbucks Coffee.

I’m so excited, and sorta nervous. I don’t really know what to expect. I guess you’ll probably have a podcast about my experience.

V-Mar’s Computer Fund Update 7/18/2005

Fausto updated me today that the Victoria Lamar’s computer fund is now at $670 682.00 UPDATED: 7/18/2005 11:38AM. Thank you everyone. If you haven’t already donated, please feel free to go over to Fausto’s Feast of Fools, and click on the “Make a Donation” link. V-Mar would LOVE to have her creative juices documented, and I’m sure we will love that too. Thanks!

Digital Flotsam’s Gay Friend

I listened to P W Fenton’s wonderful podcast as usual. But today, his beautiful story stood out from his usual beautiful stories.

If you don’t know any gay friend. Or you have no faces to put to the word gay, I encourage you to listen to his podcast, Episode 20 – The Epiphany Edition.

And of course, if you are gay, or know anyone who is gay, you should also check out Episode 20 – The Epiphany Edition.

Listen to him from his website.

Or listen to him via iTunes.

Comment Back Online

Gosh, I have been dealing with codes so much lately. I can pretty much dream in and such!

Anyway, I have managed to use something called CAPTCHA to verify commenters.

All you have to do is to type in the five digit code before you hit the “Submit” button. It’s all done. And you can start commenting again.

Thank for your patience.

Closing Comments

Hi to all my listners and readers,

I have been bombarded with spam commenters within the last few days. I have over 200 within a day. I am just not going to spend all my time deleting spam comments.

I will be working on using some sort of a human commenters verifyer to avoid all these robot spam comments.

In the meantime, please send email to me, or call my comment line 206-888-JOHN.

I apologize, I’m hoping to get Fausto to help me with the verifyer thingy set up.

Thanks for your patience.

Happy meal

Happy meal

Originally uploaded by johnong.

Several weeks ago, I went to St Louis. I ordered Eggs Benedict from a restaurant, and see what I got!

I’m not sure if it is done intentionally, but it surely is cute.

This is the perfect moment for having a camera phone.


Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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