Upside Down Water
Willy Ongka and the Choc-whore Sweat Shop
Podcasting is about connections
Today, I was touched by two podcasts.
Nick Thomas shared a very intimate part of him, and no I’m not talking about sex.
“173 The little boy inside”
And Rich from Herro Flom Japan shared a story that touched me so deeply. He shared the birth and death of a special friendship. It’s unfortunate that he had to pull the episode down for personal reasons. Oh boy, can I relate to this experience.
“Another post deleted.”
Shows like these get me going with my own podcasts. This is what had drawn me to podcasting in the first place.
On a lighter note, I was at the gym, all alone at 2:09am, and an email came into my iPhone. It was a listener’s comment:
on this early blue monday moring no listen ur podcast show , my life can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t going on?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
2.09pm?¢‚Ǩ¬¶thanks god u post ridi?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ 😉
Another reason why I do the shows. I truly appreciate those who share, and those who appreciate what I share.
Thank you…
… please!
Mosaic-iko and I
Me Tiles
Comparing Fat
Almost 11 months ago, I started exercising.
It wasn’t easy. I worked really hard, and I’m still working on making it a natural routine for me.
I think I may be getting the routine part in the near future. As far as natural, at this point, perhaps it’ll never happen.
I was playing with iPhoto on my new iMac and found some older photos. I like to put together a side-by-side comparison to motivate myself to continue exercising. Since I am not doing any diet, and exercise alone takes a while to see results. But I think you can tell from these pictures. If you can’t, go fuck yourself! Just kidding. Not really. I work my ass off, and I still do.
Definition: Being distracted by hot construction workers and stuck your fingers in the yogurt part of your salad instead of the candied walnuts.
Originally uploaded by John Ong.
John Ong…
Morning Chai
The “T” is last for a reason
I am so disappointed again.
I don’t even know by whom.
ENDA passed the House of Representatives. But without including the transgender community. My heart aches.
When you think about it, many times we can keep our same-sex partner or our sex life outside of our jobs. Many of still do that. But if you are not as lucky to be a passing transgender person, you can’t just keep that quiet.
Shouldn’t we put the T in front of LGBT for ENDA at least?
Sad, but true. I guess the letter “T” is there at the end of LGBT for a reason. We care for them last. I am very sad.
(Of course, I have a feeling that Bush will shoot it down. That’s why we don’t negotiate with scumbags. We should just do what is right. Not just somewhat okay.)
Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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