Welcome to Ongline v. 2.0

by | May 29, 2006 | John Ong Living | 8 comments

I hope it didn’t take you too many steps to get from my old site, http://johnong.com/ongline to my new home, http://OnglinePodcast.com

I have intended to do this since I purchased the URL a year ago. But I wasn’t sure how far i would go with my podcast. Ongline started as a blog, and adding podcast to it was a little too big a commitment for me. But now is the right time to make the move.

Ongline v. 1.0 was created on MovableType. I installed it on my server before I even know what MySQL was. I just followed a friend’s lead, and boom, it’s there. I tried to customize my page as much as possible, but it has always been pretty simple. But, why did I change?

Last August I started a new podcast called Penang Hokkien Podcast. I intentionally went with WordPress. Just to test it out. And it’s been wonderful. I’ve been waiting for the right time to do so. I kept putting it off. Then last week, I started to get more and more SPAM comments. That irritated me to the point where I decided to take this week off from podcasting, and actually work on moving my blog/podcast over to WordPress.

It’s late. 1:35AM on Memorial day. That means, my writing sucks even more.

My RSS feed also has changed. If you’re using iTunes music store feed, your change has already been made quietly. You don’t have to do anything different. But if you manually entered the feed, you might want to confirm and see if your feed was an older feed? http://johnong.com/ongline/index.xml is an old feed. I will still keep updating the feed. You don’t have to change it. But if you choose to. You can always go with http://subscribe.onglinepodcast.com or http://onglinepodcast.com/feed.xml
Thanks to Steve’s software called Feeder, I am able to maintain my feeds with a lot of freedom. I’m a control freak, what can I say. I like to have the final say on what goes on my feed. Thanks Steve!

Okay. Sleep time. I hope Ongline v. 2.0 is not too much of a beta release.


  1. Steve

    Woo! This looks really great. Nice work, John!

  2. Andy Melton

    The new site looks great, John! Keep up the GREAT work!!!

  3. John Ong

    Hey, thanks you guys. Oh, I need to buy something from Steve. 🙂

  4. VJnet

    Very nice! The new look is very cool 🙂

  5. John Ong

    Brad, thanks for pointing that out. It’s fixed now.

  6. Steve

    Thanks for the sale and the plug, John! You didn’t need that help after all – smart guy. 😉

  7. John Ong

    Steve, thanks for the info and the software. I may still ask you questions in the future.

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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!


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